They may have razor-sharp teeth, Glowing Eyes of Doom, and an appetite for anything that breathes, but they're still penguins.
Creepy Cute: The killer penguins from Zoo Tycoon 2. Complacent Gaming Syndrome: Regardless of how beautiful or detailed a pre-made map may be, expect one of the first actions when loading up a scenario to be bulldozing everything except for the initial path. There is still the issue of PC users being left out, though. It is still Xbox One exclusive, but now there is over 200 animals with the addition of a large amount of Australian and South American animals. Remedied, at least a little, by the 2017 remaster. (Notably, the game doesn't include any species of zebra, a standard zoo animal. Xbox One exclusives include fossa, both of the available species of mongooses, and every single antelope except for one, which is a DLC. Further broken by the fact that the new game has 101 animals on the Xbox One and a comparatively paltry 65 on the Xbox 360. Some fans hate the fact it is on the Xbox as opposed to the PC, others are just happy to have a new Zoo Tycoon at all. Take the Plunge and The Ocean's Biomes from the second game's Marine Mania expansion pack, which have fairly simple goals ("adopt 10 different marine animal species" and "adopt species from each major marine biome", respectively) and are also far more generous with cash grants than most other scenarios "Take the Plunge" gives you tens of thousands of dollars just for reaching (very modest) guest amount milestones, while "The Ocean's Biomes" gives you fifteen thousand dollars for each animal that counts towards winning the scenario.